Elisa’s latest CD, “L’Anima Vola” (“The Soul Flies”) is amazing.  I love it.  This track is one of my favorites, totally hooky and uptempo with a catchy lyric.  The video is simply constructed from tour footage, so not too exciting, but press play and then follow along with the English translation below.  Enjoy!

#MM Elisa / Una Pagina Bianca

Davanti a una pagina bianca (In front of a white page)

Davanti a tutto quello che manca (in front of everything that’s missing)

E con in testa un pensiero solo (and with only one thought in mind)

Un pensiero disteso (One relaxed thought)

Raso al suolo (cut to the soil)

Come una specie di telecomando (like a kind of remote control)

Per tornare a dove, tornare a quando… (to return to where, to return to when)

L’aria sul viso pungeva (the air would bite the face)

E la terra sotto ai piedi scottava (and the ground under your feet would burn)

E a me davvero non importava (And it didn’t really matter to me)

Era tutto perfetto (everything was perfect)

Sognare in un letto e… (to dream in a bed and….)

Non volere niente… (not to want for anything)

Non cercare niente… (not to search for anything)

Davanti a qualche sogno di un altro (In front of someone else’s dream)

Davanti a una centrale d’asfalto (in front of one asphalt plant)

Con gli occhi aperti, spalancati (with open eyes, open wide)

In cerca di qualche meta (in search of some destination)

Con quella voglia di tornare a casa (with that desire to return home)

E stavolta fargliela vedere, pagare (and this time to show him, to make him pay)

Con quella voglia di girare i piedi (with that desire to turn heel)

E trovare la forza, il coraggio di andare! (and to find the will, the courage to go)

Non volere niente da te (To not want anything from you)

Non sapevo niente (I didn’t know anything)

Non volevo niente da te (I didn’t want anything from you)

Non pensavo a niente che non c’è (I didn’t think of anything that isn’t there)

E guardare il cielo per trovare un motivo (and to look at the sky to find a motive)

Da restituire al mondo (to give back to the world)

E gli gridavo almeno porta via (and I was yelling to him, at least take away)

Questa rabbia così se io non ci riesco (this rage so if I cannot manage it)

Saprò che tu l’hai data al vento… (I will know that you gave it to the wind)

Non volevo niente (I didn’t want anything)

Non sapevo niente (I didn’t know anything)

Non volevo niente da te (I didn’t want anything from you)

Non pensavo a niente che non c’è (I didn’t think of anything that isn’t there)

Davanti a la mia pagina bianca, bianca (In front of my white, white page)

Davanti a una pagina bianca, bianca (In front of a white, white page)

Davanti a questa pagina bianca, bianca (In front of this white, white page)

Davanti a… la mia pagina bianca, bianca (In front of my white, white page)

La mia pagina bianca, bianca (My white, white page)






About the author



Italian Travel Planner and Italian Culture Enthusiast

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